
ROAD ACCIDENTS are unfortunate and terrible events, be it minor or major. This is because the consequences are either grave or substantial, depending on the level of damages. Accidents have been attributed to recklessness, drunk driving and unforeseen contingencies like engine brake failure and collision course, which has resulted in loss of lives, properties and wrecked havoc of un-quantifiable measures.

A case study is pointed to series of accidents that have occurred on the Third Mainland Bridge in recent times, the bridge occupies motorists on four lanes including the BRT lane. Over speeding which is a norm on this bridge has become a threat to other motorists because of the danger of plunging into the ocean, sudden overturn of the affected vehicle, explosion, and ultimate loss of lives. Nigerians are probably not well-educated about the dangers of over-speeding and obeying speed-limits which has resulted in different terrible events.

In the last 6 weeks, no fewer than four auto-accidents have been recorded on different sections of the Third Mainland Bridge, which has claimed lives and loss of properties but the question is why has the bridge suddenly become a death-threat to commuters and motorists? The issue of over-speeding comes to mind, reckless driving on the bridge that can endanger the lives and properties of the unsuspecting motorist. The condition of the road is about 80% safe, so the major cause of accidents on the bridge is carelessness and recklessness on the part of the motorists and it seem quite unnecessary to introduce speed breakers to the road on the bridge.


I will strongly recommend that the ministry of transportation and/or Federal Road Safety should put obvious speed limit signs on every bend of the bridge. I also strongly believe the frequent users of the bridge should then be enlightened on speed limits and on the hazards of exceeding it as it is consequential. The government can also introduce the GPS speed camera detectors, then speeding fines can be added to the Lagos traffic regulations and offenders will be made to pay a certain amount to curb excessive speed on the bridge and other highways in the city.

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