PRESS RELEASE: #DanfoNuisance Photo Contest

PRESS RELEASE: #DanfoNuisance Photo Contest

photocontest-twitterHave you ever seen someone around here that haven’t seen a moment of Danfo nuisance in Lagos? Me neither. How about you capture it in a photograph and win an awesome Nokia Lumia 520!

Welcome Danfo Nuisance photo contest, the first of its kind photo contest that aims to bring fun into taking photographs of the many annoying and comical views of Yankee Bravo, popularly called Danfo in Lagos. People can now upload their pictures of Danfo nuisance and get voted by their friends, the one with the most votes wins the grand prize. Our goal is to identify the most creative Danfo nuisance picture that would be voted highly to win the Nokia Lumia 520 and raise awareness about Danfo nuisances.

To enter the competition is easy; you upload a picture of Danfo taken by you and upload it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tsaboin traffic talk. You describe the picture and add your Tsaboin ID, then you get your people to vote for your picture; the more votes you can get, the nearer you get to winning. We believe in the power of the images to tell stories that can’t be told in any other way.

It’s free to enter the contest, and while we appreciate the honed prowess of skilled photography, we also enjoy the work of amateur photos; it should be enough to get people to vote for your picture. You can enter one, or multiple images, each image is judged as an individual portrait. The picture has to be original and yours, and if you don’t have your own picture, check in to vote for others.

Grab your mobile phones and digital cameras and show us your most-see moments of danfos in Lagos.

Check out for more details.

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